In order to understand our customers' needs, it is important for our company to go to the market and cover the field as deeply and widely as we can. To execute this key strategy, we need a powerful sales team, which can set up collaborative and win-win relationship with the customers, give prompt response to their service requests, balance the benefits of the customers and our own company, and grasp agilely the business opportunity behind their requirements.
To build this kind of strong sales team, we should leverage some most updated sales training program to enhance their selling skills, communication capabilities, influence power and the mindset to reframe the value of our product and service to cure our customers' paint points. Here comes the introduction of this innovative approach of "Sales as Coach (SAC)". Please join us to find more.
In this interactive workshop, we will analyze the key challenges of our sales team. Please feel free to share some business challenges which you have observed that your sales team are facing of. We will have the chance to know the convergence of traditional selling skills and most updated coaching methodologies. Let's start to see through sales team development and their evolving adventure in a brand new and innovative way.
Workshop language will be mainly Mandarin with some key frameworks shown in English.
More Information
Ms. Xueting Wang 王雪婷
Business Development Manager
Tel.:+86 21 6248 8029 - 706
German Mechanical Engineering Service (BJ) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch (GMECS)