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[Training] 用户增长训练营——爆发式用户增长的秘诀(中文授课) Training Camp of growing users - The Secret of Explosive User Growth Join Waitlist Register
Event Details 活动纲要:
用户增长地图 User growth map
一张完整的用户增长地图 l A complete user growth map 真正重要的增长指标 l Really important growth indicators 构建增长模型 l Building a growth model 关键行为漏斗 l Key Behavior Funnel 找到增长的杠杆 l Finding leverage for growth 用户决策心理地图 l User decision mental map 拉新、促活、留存、转化、转播 l Pull new, promote live, retain, transform, broadcast 上手可用的用户增长框架 l Get started with a user growth framework
实战拆解篇 Practical dismantling articles
实战才能出真知。撸起袖子,开干! l Real knowledge can come out of actual combat. Roll up your sleeves and start working! 把大象装到冰箱里总共分几步? l How many steps does it take to pack an elephant in the refrigerator? 追求妹子(用户)的三个步骤 l Three steps to pursue a girl (user) 重构用户增长模型:极简获客6步法 l Reconstructing the User Growth Model: A 6-Step Approach to simplify Customer Acquisition 找到新用户的19个运营渠道 l 19 operating channels to find new users 精准确达用户 l Accurately reaching users 找到流量的洼地 l Finding depressions in traffic 抓住用户的眼球 l Catching users ' eyeballs 不只是吸引 l Not just attracting Agenda Day 1 June 4, 2020
Day 2 June 5, 2020
Speakers 姜老师
姜老师 姜老师
姜老师 斜杠中年。业界人称『大胡子』。18年软件职业生涯。36Kr.Kr空间私董会创业导师,『跨界疯人院』院长,『VTC』社群的联合创始人。2000~2003年,先后为中科院计算所、IBM提供服务。2003年,第一次创业。为中石化、中石油提供软件开发服务。2009年,第二次创业。专注互联网2C类产品。2017年,转型投资人。当年荣获36Kr.Kr空间年度荣誉导师。自2011年,开始出席各类产品、开发者大会。作为商业模式闭环的一部分,2010年起以咨询顾问、企业教练及外聘讲师的身份与多家企业、公司交流学习,教学相长。 Slash in middle age. They call him "the beard".18 years career of software.Entrepreneurship tutor of 36Kr. private advisory board. Dean of cross-border madhouse. Co-founder of "VTC".From 2000 to 2003, he provided services to the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and IBM.In 2003, he started the first venture, provided software development services for Sinopec and PetroChina.In 2009, he had the second venture, focused on Internet 2C products.In 2017, he transformed to an investor. In the same year, he won the Annual Honorary Mentor of 36Kr. Since 2011, he has been attending various product and developer conferences. Since 2010, he has exchanged and studied with many companies as a consultant, corporate coach and external lecture
Tickets Non-member Price
RMB 5,980
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In case you need to cancel your attendance to the event, please write an email to: at least 24 hours prior to the event. Failure to cancel your RSVP timely will require the payment of a "no show bill" of the full amount stated in this invitation. You can contact Nini Qi by telephone: 021 5368 1245. For third-party events, the event terms and conditions of the event organizer apply.
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Please notice that Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai (as the host of the event) will take photographs from the event and might post these on its public webpage and or social media platforms in order to create awareness of its events. By attending this event you consent to the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai taking and using photographs of you as described above. Please contact [ ] if you have any inquiries related to this matter.
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