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On Wednesday July 1, AustCham China will be hosting a webinar on the topic of The Future of Medtech post COVID-19, in China and beyond.
Hear from speakers Prof. Craig Anderson, Executive Director, George Institute China at Peking University Health Science Centre, Brendan Mason, CEO Sino-Oz Limited and Tim White, Trade Commissioner and Commercial Consul West China, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), Head of Austrade China's International Health team.
This webinar will provide insight into how the healthcare systems of Australia and China responded to the COVID-19 outbreak, the likely ongoing consequences of COVID-19 on healthcare systems around the world and what is being done to safeguard against future outbreaks.
The webinar will further touch upon how tech is enhancing healthcare delivery, disease guidance and better continuity of care.
Executive Director of George Institute China at Peking University Health Science Center
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Trade Commissioner and Commercial Consul at West China, Austrade, Head of Austrade International Health team
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