Incubator Space

TECOM Conf is coming back to Shanghai on 20th June. We are thrilled to have Explorium as a co-host again.
TECOM Conf(科技创新社群大会)将于2020年6月20日再次降临上海!我们很荣幸再次有机会和利程坊(Explorium)共同举办。
This time it's more INCLUSIVE. What does this mean? There are several stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem. We believe that a healthy environment where all players can thrive can be achieved through understanding, collaboration, and cooperation with each other. That is why TECOM Conf Shanghai 2020 will be joined by more startups, innovative corporates, and incubators.
此次大会将更具包容性:更多志趣相同的伙伴将加入我们的创新生态社群。我们相信通过广泛的共识与协作,大会将为每一位参与者提供助力其发展成长的健康平台与环境。正因如此,TECOM Conf Shanghai 2020将吸引到更多初创企业、企业创新部门及孵化机构等伙伴的加入。
Join this year's TECOM Conf and be enlightened on measures to take to ADAPT & RECOVER in this period of the coronavirus outbreak. A host of innovation-driven companies will give insights on how to sail through these difficult times.
参加今年的TECOM Conf科创社群大会,一起聆听,感悟,在突袭全球的新冠疫情之下,如何快速调整并恢复。我们有幸邀请到来自充满创新精神的几个企业的嘉宾,和我们分享他们的企业如何穿越风暴,勇往直前。