In this course sharon would like to teach you a few simple recipes that you can easily recreate in your own home.
No experience needed.
Pavlova is a meringue dessert that is made with simple ingredients, egg whites and sugar. The meringue disk is only baked enough to leave a crisp outside shell while leaving the inside marshmallowy and soft.
The most common toppings for this meringue dessert include whipped cream and a berry puree.
In this class we will learn how to make the meringue as well as the various toppings. This is a dessert promised to please all and can be prepared by you in your home at any time!
Challah bread is a traditional Jewish braided bread, consumed during Shabbat, weddings and religious holidays. This bread is characterized by its three-braided form and tender texture.
In this class we will learn how to bake Challah bread at home using only 5 ingredients. We will also learn how to prepare 3 dips that will be a perfect match for this special bread- cooked tomato salad, Baba Ganoush (roasted eggplants dip) and a Tahini sauce.
A lovely aroma of a cake baking in the oven is undoubtedly one of the greatest pleasures in life!
Pound cakes are soft, fragrant, and easy to prepare. These cakes are great when you feel like baking something at home but don't want to spend more than a few minutes in the kitchen.
In this class I will share tips on how to bake a perfect pound cake as well as teach 3 different pound cakes recipes-A Cinnamon Roll Cake, a Carrot Cake and a Vanilla- Chocolate Marble Cake.
Date & Time: 12:30-2:30pm
1. Pavlova
2. Challah bread + 3 Mediterranean dips
3. Pound Cake Baking Class