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Wednesday, May 17, 2023 (3:00 PM - 4:30 PM) GMT+8


Dear VDMA member,

VDMA China just finished its Spring 2023 Business Climate Survey. The results are currently being evaluated and will be presented to you in a Web-Meeting on May 17 before sending out to all participants. It will be interesting to see how the mechanical engineering industry in China is currently evaluating the situation and what their expectations is for the next six months.

Three years of strict Covid-19 prevention finally ended with an infection wave of unimagined extend in December 2022. The switch has been flipped 180 degrees from strict control to business as usual as seen in March 2023. There is a lot of optimism that the worst is over and that after a slow awakening in Q1/2023, the second quarter will see a strong rebound especially in terms of investment and consumption. Will this expectation be met? During the Webmeeting Mr. Eckardt from World Bank will share his assessment of the current state of the Chinese economy. This is followed by an outlook on machinery and equipment by Mr. Jeske and finally the presentation of the Business Climate Survey by Ms. Barkowsky.

Join our Web-Meeting on May 17 and register now.
