Industrial Risk Prevention, Asset Management and Maintenance are at the top of the agenda for companies operating physical assets in China, according to the "Maintenance in China" survey. Yet, more than half of the maintenance staff has never received training on maintenance management and methodologies. Covers the fundamentals of maintenance and asset management, in line with ISO 55000, and the equivalent Chinese standard GB/T 33172 in a systematic, practical manner, adapted to Chinese realities.
ISO 55000在实践中对制造业意味着什么?
ISO 55000的5个应用步骤,它们与WCM和精益的关系
以ISO 55000的维护管理5步法作为维护审计工具
使用5步法实施 CMMS
What does ISO 55000 mean in practice for manufacturers?
The 5 steps of ISO 55000, their relationship with WCM & Lean