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Beijing Women's Network (Health Living Series) is excited to invite Beijing's first and only jazzercise instructor Vivienne, certified Zumba instructor Diva, and She'Strong Founder Alessia to bring to you a combination of aerobic exercise and dance fitness. On Sunday, June 20th (10:00 AM - 12:30 PM), we will be bringing our community together to sweat side-by-side, motivate one another, and support each other's initiative to a healthy start of a Sunday morning.

Jazzercise is the original dance party workout from America! It is a pulse-pounding, beat-pumping, body-blasting fitness program that gets you Vivienne will bring a high-intensity dance party that fuses cardio, strength, Pilates, hip hop, yoga, and kickboxing. On the other hand, Fitness with Diva will be bringing a unique, fun, and engaging workout program to the beat of the most popular song and latest tunes. And finally, Alessia will be ending the session with an engaging dance fusion section.

Following the dance fitness class (1.5 hours), we will enjoy brunch together to celebrate the active morning, relax, and build lasting friendships. Join our event and let the dance fitness community inspire you to live your best life โ€“ on and off the dance floor.


Beijing Women's Network is partnering with HAVE (Helping & Advocating for Village's Education) Library to create equal opportunities in literacy and learning for all children in China. Since the organization's founding two years ago, HAVE Library has built 5 libraries and provided reading services and educational activities for hundreds of children in rural parts of China.

All proceeds will be donated to HAVE Library to build more libraries, host workshops, provide classes, and purchase books.


The Beijing Women's Network is a community dedicated to connecting women with resources to help them grow personally and professionally. We have a network of over 5000+ professional women and 9 active WeChat groups.

If you have not yet joined a Beijing Women's Network WeChat group and would like to, please add Leslie at WeChat: Ledo3454

Aug 1, 2021

09:45 - 12:00 GMT+8

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Private Venue near Guanghua SOHO (Address provided after RSVP)
Guanghua Lu
Beijing, China

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  • 09:45 - 10:00Check-In
    10:00 - 10:30Jazzercise

    Vivienne Tseng

    Jazzercise Instructor

    10:30 - 11:00Dance Fitness

    Diva FitnesswithDiva

    Fitness Instructor

    11:00 - 11:30Dance Fusion

    Alessia SHE Strong

    SHE Strong

    11:30 - 12:30Brunch + Mingle


  • Diva FitnesswithDiva (Fitness Instructor)

    Diva FitnesswithDiva

    Fitness Instructor

    Read Bio
  • AS

    Alessia SHE Strong

    SHE Strong

  • Vivienne Tseng (Jazzercise Instructor)

    Vivienne Tseng

    Jazzercise Instructor

    Read Bio


Standard Ticket

Standard ticket includes 1.5 hour of jazzercise, dance fitness, dance fusion followed by a healthy brunch.

All proceeds will be donated to HAVE Library to build more libraries, host workshops, provide classes, and purchase books.

RMB 150
Charity Donation

Beijing Women's Network is partnering with HAVE (Helping & Advocating for Village's Education) Library to create equal opportunities in literacy and learning for all children in China. Since the organization's founding two years ago, HAVE Library has built 5 libraries and provided reading services and educational activities for hundreds of children in rural parts of China.

All proceeds will be donated to HAVE Library to build more libraries, host workshops, provide classes, and purchase books.

RMB 20