China's 14th Five-Year-Plan and Vision 2035: Short and Long-term Implications for the Industry as a whole and for Mechanical Engineering in particular
The 14th Five-Year-Plan has been published just recently during the Two Sessions meeting mid of March. As this plan will have a far-reaching impact both domestically and internationally, it is worth analyzing in more detail and look at the implications it will probably have on the business and economy in China.
VDMA China invited three experts to share their insights on the strategic plan and what it could mean for the mechanical engineering industry.
Ms. Claudia Barkowsky
Chief Representative
VDMA China Beijing Representative Office
Dr. Jost Wübbeke, Director @ Sinolytics GmbH
Markus Herrmann, Director @ Sinolytics GmbH
o Key Shifts: Dual Circulation, National Security, Domestic Consumption, Digitization
o Technological autonomy / industrial policy
o Smart Manufacturing / Industry 4.0
o Standards 2035
o Climate policy
o Automotive market
Prof. Chen Ming
Sino-German School of Engineering
Tongji University Shanghai
Although not published yet, there will also be a Five-Year-Plan especially for the Mechanical Engineering Industry. As a member of the Intelligent Manufacturing Alliance of CAST, Prof. Chen Ming was involved in the drafting of the plan, which he will be introducing, focusing mainly on the development plan of China's intelligent manufacturing industry and industrial upgrading.
Please note, questions can already be sent to us prior to the meeting for better preparation of the meeting content and discussion afterwards.