German Chamber of Commerce - South & Southwest China

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Event Details

The German Chamber in cooperation with the Italian Chamber of Commerce, the European Chamber of Commerce, the Australia Chamber West China, Hong Kong Chamber, American Chamber, French Chamber and the British Chamber of Commerce are warmly inviting to our Autumn InterChamber Mixer on October 24th (Thursday).


TC cafe plus Canopy Lounge, 31F, Canopy by Hilton Chengdu City Centre

Time: Thursday, October 24th, 2019, 18:00 PM – 21:00 PM

Fee: Members 250 RMB Non-members 350 RMB

On a relaxing Autumn evening, you can enjoy the company of all the participating chambers and their members. Let us come together and celebrate another Inter-Chamber evening with plenty of networking opportunities and cold drinks in the Autumn breeze of Chengdu.

We encourage all willing to participate in submitting their registration as soon as possible. For booking please contact us by Email or call 028-8533 6841. The registration ends on Wednesday, October 22nd.

We are looking forward to your participation.

我们诚邀您参加由德国商会li欧盟商会、意大利商会、中国法国工商会、中国香港(地区)商会、中国澳大利亚商会、中国西南美国商会和英国商会在成都组织举办的2019年商会联合秋季酒会,活动将于10月24日18:00成都领地希尔顿嘉悦里酒店31楼 御蓉+坊酒廊举行。

地址:成都领地希尔顿嘉悦里酒店31楼 御蓉+坊酒廊



在秋风习习的夜晚您可以与各界商政精英共享美食,相互交流,我们在希尔顿嘉悦里酒店期待与您的相遇!报名请于10月22日(周三)前通过邮件 和致电028-8533 6841联系我们。


Member Ticket

Member PriceRMB 250

Non-member Ticket

Public PriceRMB 350



Canopy by Hilton Chengdu City Centre
TC cafe plus Canopy Lounge, 31F
5 Xiyu Street, Qingyang District

Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to

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