Richard Xu
Professor at HKBU
Richard Yi Da Xu is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). His research fields are Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, and his recent research interests include Bayeisan Nonparametric and (machine) Learning Theory. Richard has published papers at many top international conferences, including ICLR, AAAI, IJCAI, ECAI, ECCV, AI-STATS and ICDM, and many top IEEE Transactions: IEEE-(TNNLS, TIP, TSP, TKDE, MC and T-Cybernetics). Since 2009, he has created more than 2,000 slides of free machine learning online doctoral training materials and online machine learning videos. During his employment in Australia, his team has collaborated with many Australian industries in finance, e-commerce, government, transport, utilities, defence, agricultural, communication and legal sectors. He established a Deep Learning Sydney meetup which has 4400+ members, one of the largest of its kind in Australia. He was representing Australia to attend ISO JTC1 SC42 (Artificial Intelligence)’s first plenary.