About this Workshop 关于这个工作坊
Background and Objective 背景与目标
- 黑天鹅事件对行业和经济形成颠覆性影响,怎么在前景混沌的状况下找到学习的动力?
How to motivate oneself to learn in a chaotic outlook when 'Black Swan' events are disruptive to the industry and
- 变化的时代,在全力奔跑的同时,如何利用碎片时间成为领域中的行家?
In times of changing, how to become a connoisseur in your field by using fragmented time while running full steam ahead?
- 疫情期间,工作和生活进入非常态,怎么培养好的学习习惯?
How to cultivate good study habits when your personal work and life suddenly go into extraordinary conditions during
the epidemic?
- 如何在高速的个人成长中摆脱焦虑的驱动,充分享受"进一寸有一寸的"欢喜?
How to get rid of the drive of anxiety in the rapid personal growth and fully enjoy the joy of tiny development?
Take away 你可以收获到
- 敏捷学习的心法 Agile Learning Mindset
- 敏捷学习的方法 Methods of Agile Learning
- 敏捷学习的习惯养成 Habits Cultivation of Agile Learning
- 从敏捷学习中获得幸福感 Happiness achieving from Agile Learning