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Thursday, May 11, 2017 (12:45 PM - 5:00 PM) GMT+8

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From Blue Collar Worker to Automated Production Lines – Interactive Workshop to develop strategies and approaches to deal with the unavoidable HR & Labour Law Challenges During Increasing Automation.

Miriam Wickertsheim will be providing a training on how to identify and select the right employees to take your company's industrial automation to the next level. No matter if you are a small or large organization or what level of automation your existing production process has today - we are all forced by the China business environment or HQ requirements to increase profitability and effectiveness, mostly by freeing up time and attention, reliably executing common activities, reducing the risk of important things falling through the cracks, task management and getting more done. We will find out which are the 3 critical job roles that are the key drivers to a successful implementation of automation in manufacturing industries. We will further learn what mindset, attitude and attributes are important to support the introduction of new technologies and processes and together develop a manual as to how to assess those.

Dr. Iris Duchetsmann from DD LHRC will explain the framework of laws and regulations concerning the employment of blue collar workers. Companies’ HR meet increasing challenges to keep up with the current economic developments and evolving market demands. How can companies get their homework done in time, to be prepared for managing the whole HR lifecycle of a new generation and type of employees - from attraction and on-boarding over development, retention, daily management to potential lay-off? We will work together to understand how to draft and implement the company’s legal documents and solid basis to be ready for a transformation and upscaling of business in time. Some of the typical challenges we will look into are attractive benefits and working conditions - not only for blue collar workers-, training and development programs, flexible working times and if it is possible to provide flexibility, contract terms and termination, restructuring and lay-offs, etc.

