Event Details

Marketing practices have evolved from traditional and offline marketing to utilizing social media platforms to engage with your target audience. Join us for our workshop on Chinese Social Media in partnership with JingJobs, the first of our 2016 Professional Development Series. Our panel of social media experts will share their experiences and advise on how to make the most of social media both in promotion as well as information collection.

Introduction to Chinese Social Media Topics:
1. How to use social media to communicate with a wider audience
2. The differences between B2B and B2C
3. Introduction to different media platforms in China
4. Specific social media platforms relevant to certain types of industries
5. How to utilize Chinese social media platforms to conduct market research and produce marketing content

Introduction to China Channel
China Channel provides educational, training and consulting solutions focused around WeChat. We help non-Chinese organizations and individuals make sense of the daunting WeChat eco-system and leverage it to their needs.

Introduction to MiFan
MiFan is a British-owned digital marketing agency piloted by successful business managers with expertise in media and marketing, and with ten years of experience doing business in China.Our core team consists of Mandarin-fluent, social media-savvy Brits and native Chinese content creators. We also have working relationships with KOLs across various platforms.We provide platform management, content creation and management as well as many other services.

Introduction to Social@Ogilvy
Social@Ogilvy is a global, cross-discipline team of social experts from across all of Ogilvy’s businesses. We know there’s a new customer and stakeholder journey defined by the increasing impact our networks have on purchase decision and our behaviors. We design integrated social solutions that combine deep disciplines like CRM, public relations and shopper marketing and rooted in what drives behavior.

Introduction to Gung Ho! Pizza
Gung Ho! Pizza is an award winning Beijing-based gourmet pizza brand committed to bringing fresh healthy food to China, building a meaningful business, and Daring to be Different. Founded by two native New Zealanders in 2010 around a core team that has been in the F&B game since 2003, Gung Ho! Pizza is a people-first, service-focused business that is on the rise in the lucrative Chinese pizza market. Go! Go! Go!

This event is open to all genders.


19:00 - 19:15
Introduction to Beijing Women's Network and JingJobs
19:15 - 19:30
Presentation from China Channel
19:30 - 19:45
Presentation from Gung Ho! Pizza
19:45 - 20:00
Presentation from Ogilvy & Mather
20:00 - 20:15
Panel Discussion Moderated by JingJobs
20:15 - 20:30


  • Matthew  Brennan (Co-founder of China Channel)

    Matthew Brennan

    Co-founder of China Channel

    Old China hand of 11+ years, Matthew works closely with foreign businesses helping to form and implement their strategy for WeChat. Matthew has many years experience leading teams in creating products for the China market. He has extensive experience in delivery of online/offline training and rich multimedia content.

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  • Samantha Kwok (Founder of JingJobs)

    Samantha Kwok

    Founder of JingJobs

    Samantha is the founder of JingJobs.com, a curated job platform and HR Consulting firm that connects young bilingual graduates and millennials with China focused start up opportunities. She launched JingJobs in April 2014, after experiencing a personal struggle finding visible job opportunities for younger inexperienced graduates in Beijing upon completion of her Mandarin studies. JingJobs currently has a total of 35,000 followers across social media channels and the platform. Samantha studied International Relations and Economics at the University of Sydney, Australia and graduated in March 2013. Originally from Hong Kong and Sydney, Samantha has resided in Beijing for 2 and a half years

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  • Rich Akers (Creative Guy at Gung Ho! Pizza)

    Rich Akers

    Creative Guy at Gung Ho! Pizza

    Gung Ho! Pizza's resident marketing ninja has had something of a checkered past, including but not limited to stints as a dance choreographer, artist, boy band member, graphic designer, English school manager and Westerosi political analyst (freelance).

    This - combined with 15 years of hands-on experience in the Beijing DMZ (Design & Marketing Zone) - has given him an in-depth understanding of the rapidly evolving social and e-commerce space, as well as a unique perspective of the real-time street-side effect of viral branding & marketing in the Biggest City in the World™.
    Rich is a partner of iconic Beijing hot-spots Gung Ho! Pizza, Lush, Pyro and Sugar Shack, and has been responsible for all the design, branding and marketing. He also consults on branding and marketing on a freelance basis.

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  • Will  Philipps (Social@Ogilvy at Ogilvy & Mather)

    Will Philipps

    Social@Ogilvy at Ogilvy & Mather

    Will works for Social@Ogilvy, an award-winning social media marketing team which is part of the Ogilvy & Mather group. Will helps the Beijing Social@ team work with Chinese and international brands across a range of industries to communicate with audiences on social media platforms and beyond.

    Will has been with the team for a year and loves working with travel and tourism companies – his experience includes British Airways, Falcon Dubai and Hilton Hotel Group. Will has been in China for five years and prior to Ogilvy was a lifestyle and travel journalist.

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  • Marie Tulloch  (Media Manage at MiFan)

    Marie Tulloch

    Media Manage at MiFan

    Marie started as a graduate of Chinese from the University of Leeds, going on to do a Masters in International Trade at UIBE. This is when her interest in Chinese digital media really took off. As Media Manager at MiFan, Marie helps clients research and plan their digital content and strategy. A keen user of digital media in China with a growing following on Chinese BBS. Marie is always on the look out for upcoming social channels where clients can reach their target audiences and stay ahead of the crowd.

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General Admission
Standard Price RMB 50
Door Price RMB 50
Try It Fitness Ticket
Standard Price RMB 50