The webinar will commence with two senior arbitration practitioners giving tips and tricks on written and oral advocacy and the role of the younger practitioner. This will be followed by a practical exercise in which two speakers will present opening arguments on the basis of a mock case which will be provided in advance to registered participants. The faculty will discuss the presentations and then take questions from the participants on the issues discussed during the webinar. Chinese-English simultaneous translation will be provided.

本次线上活动由贸仲和Young ICCA共同主办。分三部分进行。第一部分,两位经验丰富的律师将为青年法律人分享代理词的准备方法和庭上表现技巧。第二部分,仲裁模拟线上开庭。(开案陈词阶段。案件的材料将于会前提供给观众)。第三部分,专家点评。接受观众的现场提问。本次活动提供中英文同声传译。


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